Indonesia is a country that have more than 17.504 islands. The wide of land is 1.922.570 km2 and the wide of sea is 3.257.483 km2, so the sea is source of live the residents of Indonesia. Because that, as residents of Indonesia, we should maintain and preserve sea that we have. But don’t forget, we must know the biota that live in our sea.
       In an effort to introduce the biota that live in the sea, the government established Seaworld Indonesia. On 2 October 1980, Jakarta governor, Wiyogo Atmodarminto laid the foundation stone of development Seaworld Indonesia, and finished 2 years later. The wide of Seaworld area is 3 hectare.
       Seaworld located in Jl. Lodan Timur No.7, complex Ancol Jakarta Baycity and open every day from 09.00 AM until 06.00 PM. The price of the ticket from Monday until Friday is Rp.50.000,-/person, and for Saturday, Monday or Holidays is Rp.60.000/person.
       Sea World vehicle aims to provides entertainment, education, and historical value. In operation, Sea World Indonesia haves 3 missions, there are education, conservation, and entertainment.
       In Seaworld exist many exhibitions, there are Main Aquarium, SharkQuarium, Touch Pool, Crocodile, Dugong, Holoquarium,  Dancing Eel, and AquArapaima. Seaworld also possess many facilities, there are Aquariums, Antasena Tunnel, Freshwater Area, Fun Dive, Fish Dip, Museum, Theater, Photospot, Observation Deck, Touch Screen, Library, Food Court, Gift Shop, Function Hall, First Aid, Mosque, and Parking Area.

      In the antasena tunnel, we can see many kinds of sea fauna, from freshwater consists of 22,000 fishes (126 kinds), 28 reptiles (5 kinds) and from the sea consist of 5180 fishes (26 kinds), 79 invertebrate (13 kinds), 30 reptiles (5 kinds) and 1 mammal.
      The eminent aquarium protect many fauna of Indonesia sea. Measure of the eminent aquarium is 36 x 24 m, and the depth is 4.5 until 6 m. The emintent aquarium that is the biggest aquarium in Southeast Asia. The freshwater area consist many freshwater collections from the world, included Piranha and Arapaima Gigas from Amazon river.

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