Engagement in Tana Ugi' - Pangkep Culture Exploration


 The engagement is a way to propose, or to ask a woman to be a wife in Buginese ethnic. The engagement in Buginese ethnic consisted of systematic activities, or sequentially. These activities are:
1)    Mattiro
2)    Mappesek-pesek
3)    Mammanuk-manuk
4)    Madduta
5)    Mappasearekeng
This paper discusses about the fourth activities of engagement in tana ugi’, namely : Madduta or usually called Duta Mallino.
Madduta or Duta Malino is the fourth activities of engagement in Buginese ethnic. Basically, Mallino meaning that openly said something hidden, so Duta Malino is the a formal delegation from the man family to convey a message openly about what has been previously pioneered on mappesek-pesek, and mammanuk-manuk. In this event, the women's families inviting a immediate family, especially families who have invite to discussion on mammanuk-manuk, and the families that are considered to consider the engagement.
At that time, a women's family gathered at women's home. Some parents of the man or the woman used a formal wear. Men's formal wear there are: a coat, lipa garusu, and songko pamiring ulaweng. Whereas, a womens formal wear there are: baju bodo and lipa garusu.
The food prepared by the women according to the eat time. However, if the conversation do in the morning or afternoon, so a prepared by the womens families is a typical cakes in Buginese ethnic who placed on bosara'. Several kinds of a typical cakes in Buginese ethnic there are :
a)       Sikaporo
b)      Bolu peca
c)       Katiri sala
d)       Bingka
e)       Biji nangka
f)        Sanggara
g)       Roko roko atau doko doko utti
h)      Lame-lame
i)         Onde-onde
j)         Cucuru bayao atau cucuru tello
k)       Jompo-jompo
l)          Cucuru tene
More cakes made better, according to the Buginese proverb who says, Napataromposengngi makkunraiye narekko maccai mabeppa and the meaning is, "If women are good at making cakes, will be the pride for her".
            the guests sit on a mat. For the nobility, in the ceremony of Madduta Mallino everything is based on custom clothing, there are:
1.         For Arung (nobility), the goverment of village, village priests, and spokesman wear a custom clothing.
2.       One of the five people acting as a spokesman. They also wear a custom clothing.
3.       Three or four women also wear a custom clothing with a simpolong hairstyle.
4.       For men of noble wear a tapong and bring a alu kalu, there are:
·         Berre 1 gantang (4 liters)
·         Manusilebineng (one pair of chicken)
·         Kaluku tuo (coconut)
·         One bundle of betel leaf, one bundle consist a three betel leaf with a gambier, lime, and areca nut.
·         Two red sugar
Alu kalu was placed in a basket made from a lontara' leaf usually-called disebut baku mabbulu bulu.The meaning of these materials namely: Ripakkalipuni alaibinengenna, maumare canninna gollae, nalunra'na kalukue or in English version mean that hopefully the bride will live peacefully, happily and have a child.
As the group of to madduta come, then be sit in a place that has been provided. After a while, there was a conversation between to madduta and to riaddutai, that the woman spoke first, then the man spoke: Pekkoare matti ronnang areta utanangnge ri bola langkanammu, and the meaning is: "What is the purpose of our past, whether you agree or not?"
However, often a conversation between to madduta with to riaddutai or her ​​family, there are;
To Madduta  : Duami kuala sappo, unganna panasae, belona kanuku has a meaning, Just
    two who be a our focus, there are honesty dan a purity of heart.
   Iyaro bunga rositta tepu tabbakka toni, engkaga sappona? has a meaning,
   The ros was pretty and blooming enough, is there who protect it?
To Riaddutai : Iganaro elo ri bungata, bunga temmaddaungnge, temmattakke has a
    meaning, Who want to our daughter who dont have a knowledge
To Madduta  : Taroni temmaddaung, temmattakke has a meaning, Although she didnt
    have knowledge, because a jewelry who never weak,   I'll make a light of my
After a women heard a sacred intention from to madduta, with all humility she said,Narekko makkonitu adatta, soroni tangngaka, nakutangnga to ki, who has a meaning, If  thatyour determination, return to learn myself, and I learned you or usually said: Tuoni matti aretta ronnang mutanengnge
After that, a conversation continued to contract both parties called mappetu ada or mappasiarekeng.

 If a man from the Buginese ethnic want to engagement to a women for becomes his wife, so he must to do a systematic activities. These activities are: Mattiro, Mappesek-pesek, Madduta and Mappasearekeng.
The engagement in tana ugi’ these were of old, and as Buginese people, we have to preserve the custom in order that survive in this modern era of globalization.

Oke, thanks for your read. I hope you can leave any comment in this site, or in my twitter account @IndhaNrfh, or in my facebook account: Indah Nur Afiah. Sincerelly!

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